Monday, August 3, 2009

♥ Love ♥


we think about it
dream about it
lose sleep worrying about it
when we dont have it we search for it
when we discover it we dont know what to do with it
we fear losing it
it is our source of pleasure and pain
we cant predict which it will be from one moment to the next
it's a short word
easy to spell
difficult to define
impossible to live without ~ ♥

♥ Girls want Guys to know ♥

- we love when you cuddle with us -
- we want you to put your arm around us at the movie -
- we dont care if you are the strongest guy in the world -
- size doesn't matter so dont tell us -
- we shouldn't have to plan everything -
- we're always ready to talk so call us -
- we're not perfect so deal with it -
-we love surprises -
- the little things you do mean the most -
- we can like boy stuff too -
- cursing and fighting dont impress us -
- dont tell us who is hot because we dont care -
- hugs mean more sometimes -
- we need your advise sometimes so dont be afraid to give it to us -

♥ If A Girls Cry ♥

if a girl cries in front of you
it means that she couldn't take it anymore.
if you take her hand
she would stay with you for the rest of your life.
if you let her go
she couldn't go back to being herself anymore.
a girl wont cry easily
in front of the person who she loves the most
she becomes weak..
when she loves you the most
she put down her ego.
if a girl cries because of you
please dont give her up
maybe because of your decision
you ruin her life !
when she cry right in front of you
when she cry because of you
look into her eyes
can you see and feel the pain and hurt she's feeling?
which other girl have cried with pure sincerity,
in front of you, and because of you..??
she cry not because she is weak
she cry not because she want sympathy or pity
she cry because crying silently is no longer possible
the pain, hurt and agony
have become too big a burden to be kept inside.
Guys, Think about it..
if a girl cry her heart out to you and all because of you
its time to look back on what you have done
only you will know the answer to it.
you might have indirectly the cause of her changing in person !
Do consider it.
because one day..
it may be too late for regrets
it may be too late to say you are sorry.
Dont do this to a girl
you may regret for the rest of your life
maybe in your life
she's the only one that love you the MOST.
and you ended up hurting her the most !

Nothing last forever
so live it up
drink it down
laugh it off
avoid the bullshit
take chances
and never have regrets
because of one point
everything you did
was exactly what you wanted.

to him :
if you keep like this
I wont bother to say anything
its up to you
but dont forget
if one day
i dont feel any more pain
although you hurt me deeply
its mean im done.